(Ben Heine) |
(Ben Heine) |
This film was made during my AS year in Art at school. Heavily influenced by artist Ben Heine, I decided to take his ideas further and attempt a video take on the style. Although rather sketchy and messy, I think the final piece came out better than expected. Here's the link to
Ben's website
The Process:
- To film the initial video, I used my iPod to record the POV in front of my face, ultimately leaving room for my right arm to complete the actions.
- The piece of paper was quite simply a hollowed out piece of paper with 2 pencils stuck on the horizontal and vertical sides to add support
- The video was then split into frames (around 500 I think)
- The frames that I intended to animate with were thrown into Painter 12 to fill in the white of the paper and the drawings, giving the illusion that what you see is, well..... actually happening.
Ben Heine Animation from Tom Bates on Vimeo.
(Pencils stuck either side to support weight... am I or am I not a genius)
(A cut that didn't make it, one of the segments had my cat in it.... sorry, cat.. )
Nice work!