Sunday, 20 October 2013

Animation: Music Video

So, along with the short films, I'm also animating a music video for my Media course. The song is my own, and it's called 'Medication'. It's about losing yourself, and trying to find what you're really capable of. That there is hope, that life isn't a set of repeated events making it's way into limbo... *sniff*...

Anyway, here's a little clip from it.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Film: I'm a Director now!

Sort of. For my A2 Art project I'm making 6 short films over the course of the year. I've got the ideas down on every one, and finished 2 scripts. The one I'm to film soon is entitled 'Butterfly Brains'. The short is about a group of girls who welcome a newcomer into their group - Michelle. Once this newcomer starts to become more involved within the group, more truths are spilled, and the girls' true colors start to shine.

Here's a poster!